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Copyright February 2000 Michael Strickland

The following article appeared online during the latter part of February, 2000. It was part of a general article about "Little Giants" or smaller trawlers... All different materials were represented, as well as designs from several other designers. The following is an excerpt from the "Little Giants" article, here by permission of Pilothouse Online. The original article is available at the link below.

Michael Kasten


Abreast of all this fiberglass is a designer with impeccable trawler creations anyone could love. Kasten Marine Design is based out of Townsend, Washington in the middle of trawler "breeding" grounds. Take one look at Michael Kasten's web site and you'll witness an amalgamation of aluminum and steel trawlers of all shapes and sizes.

The 30' Motor Yacht BUSTER

"Buster," as Michael calls this little ship (pictured), is a thirty foot full-displacement classically designed trawler with obvious tugboat blood in her veins. This thirty-foot trawler yacht is all aluminum, from pilothouse top to the bottom of the keel. She's a serious cruiser for any blue water dreamer.

Michael designed "Buster's" hull with impressive 5/16" aluminum plating. Her plating creates an extra bite to "bust" through ice for extended voyages north. Her full keel and enclosed prop offer excellent protection for running gear. Furthermore, she has plenty of usable deck space forward of the pilothouse.

"Buster" is a fine example of what it takes to cruise the globe in comfort and safety. Mount a cannon on the bow and this little ship might be up for commission in the U.S. Navy before we can get our hot little hands on her!

Buster 30 Cruising Trawler General Specs

LOA....................................................29' 9"
LWL....................................................27' 0"
Beam..................................................10' 6"
Disp....................................................20,000# (before load)
Fuel....................................................500 US Gallons
Water.................................................80 US Gallons
Range.................................................3,100 NM @ 6.1Kts

BOOJUM 22, 25, 30

Michael Kasten has come up with several small tug yachts capable of ocean cruising for the single handler or cruising couple. All the following tug designs are again, aluminum for unquestionable strength.

22' Tug Yacht - BOOJUM - Kasten Marine Design, Inc.

The Boojum 22 is a true tug design (pictured) with full-displacement hull and traditional tug profile, unbelievably perfect for offshore work. With Boojum in the picture, it's obvious that size doesn't always matter when it comes to seaworthiness - it's all in the design and construction. Michael offers a Boojum 22, a Boojum 25, and a Boojum 30, each of which have basically the same profile. The main differences come down to the tankage, displacement, range, and interior space - which make the 25 and 30 obviously the most suitable for ocean passages. When choosing between them, it comes down to where you plan to travel and how much space you need to feel content.

As stated above, the hull and house are aluminum with exception to the top of the house, which is cold molded wood for ease of securing hardware in the future, and also for more headroom inside. Surely you could order these tugs with an all-metal house if you were so inclined. All the ports are glass and all windows on the house are lexan except for the middle window, which is glass for wiper application.

Below the water you'll find a full-length keel and bilge keels, which will act as a stand in the event of grounding. The bilge keels also hold fuel and ballast while dampening roll. Michael sustains an interesting feature for all of his tug designs thirty and below: the beam in every case is 8' - 6" for legal trailering requirements in the United States.

25' Tug Yacht - BOOJUM - Kasten Marine Design, Inc.
Boojum 25

Boojum 22 & Boojum 25 General Specs

22'  and 25'

LOA..................22' 6".............................................25' 0"
DWL..................20.0'..............................................22' 5"
Beam..................8' 6"................................................8' 6"
Disp..................9,500#.........................................13,500# (no load)
Ballast...............1,200# .........................................2,500#
Draft.................3' 9".................................................3' 9"
Fuel....................200 USG........................................350 USG
Water.................50 USG...........................................60 USG
Engine..................22 HP diesel.................................30HP diesel
Range.................1,200 NM....................................2,600 NM

The Boojum 25's big brother, the Boojum 30, has most of the characteristics of the 22 and 25 but with larger tankage, more space and longer range. If small self-sufficient size combined with blue water capabilities is your ideal cruiser, check out Michael Kasten's web site, take a tour or just send him an email to talk about particulars, you won't be disappointed. We will touch base with Michael later in an upcoming issue with an in-depth interview and article concerning his unique designs and just what makes him tick.


Pocket power cruisers are beginning to pop up all over.... Kasten's aluminum and steel cruisers are remarkable for someone planning long range voyaging in a small yacht. All of Kasten's makes and models deserve respect and recognition for catering to a niche within the trawler community. Remember, it's not the size of the vessel that gets you there; it's the size of the imagination and dedication to a dream that follows you through.

--- by Michael Strickland, February 2000

Copyright 1999-2000 All Rights Reserved by Pilothouse Online

25' Tug Yacht - BOOJUM - Kasten Marine Design, Inc.
Boojum 25 Just Painted
Wanganui, New Zealand
February 2000